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一則荒誕無稽的人生寓言,對惟利是圖、踐踏人權的社會現象的強烈諷刺,激勵人心、發人省思的黑色喜劇 以諷刺的手法向人們展示了被媒體滲透了的世界,有力地批判了“媒體萬能”的價值觀,用類似“烏托邦”的虛擬的完美世界寓意著“籠中鳥”式的生存悲哀
TRUMAN:Who are you? 楚門:你是誰? 
CHRISTOF:I am the creator..of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions. 創造者:我是創造者,創造了一個受萬眾歡迎的電視節目。 
TRUMAN:And who am I? 楚門:那麼,我是誰?
CHRISTOF: You're the star. 創造者:你就是那個節目的明星。
TRUMAN:Was nothing real? 楚門:什麼都是假的?
CHRISTOF:YOU were real. That's what made you so good to watch. Listen to me, Truman. There's no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. Same lies. The same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear. I know you better than you know yourself. 創造者:你是真的,所以才有那麼多人看你。……聽我的忠告,外面的世界跟我給你的世界一樣的虛假,有一樣的謊言,一樣的欺詐。但在我的世界你什麼也不用怕,我比你更清楚你自己。
TRUMAN:You never had a camera in my head! 楚門:你無法在我的腦子裡裝攝影機。 TRUMAN:In case I don't see ya', good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. Hahaha! Yeah! 楚門:假如再也碰不到你……祝你早安、午安、晚安…… 
Sylvia: Look at what you've done to him! Sylvia: 看看你都對他做了什麼!
Christof: I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place. Christof:我給了Truman過正常生活的機會。而你所生活的世界,是一個病態的世界。
Network Executive: For God's sake, Chris! The whole world is watching. We can't let him die in front of a live audience! Network Executive: 看在上帝的份上,
Christof: He was born in front of a live audience. Christof:但他當眾出生.
Christof: You were real. That's what made you so good to watch... Christof:你是真的,大家都愛看你……
CHRISTOF:You're afraid. That's why you can't leave. It's okay, Truman. I understand. I have been watching you your whole life. I was watching when you were born. I was watching when you took your first step. I watched you on your first day of school. heh heh. The episode when you lost your first tooth. heh heh heh. You can't leave, Truman. You belong here...With me. Talk to me. Say something. 'ell, say something, goddamnit! You're on television! You're live to the whole world! 創造者:你害怕,所以你不能走,楚門不要緊,我明白。我看了你的一生,你出生時我在看你;你學走路時,我在看你;你入學,我在看你;還有你掉第一顆牙齒那一幕。你不能離開,楚門你屬於這裡,跟我一起吧。……回答我,說句話。……說話!你上了電視,正在向全世界轉播。