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常用英語問句 日常生活英語口語


常用英語問句 日常生活英語口語
What’s your name? 你叫什麼名字? Where were you born? 你在哪兒出生的? Where is your hometown? 你的家鄉在哪兒? What do you like to eat? 你平時喜歡吃什麼? What do you like to drink? 你平時喜歡喝什麼? How old are you? 你多大了? What do you study? 你學什麼的? Where do you work? 你在哪兒工作? What did you do today? 你今天做了些什麼? What kind of music do you like? 你喜歡什麼樣的音樂? What animal would you most like to be? 你最想成為哪種動物? What languages do you speak? 你都會說哪種語言? How long have you lived in this city? 你在這個城市住了多久了? How many people are in your family? 你家有幾口人? Have you been to Sydney? 你去過悉尼嗎? Do you have a best friend? Who is s/he? 你有最好的朋友嗎?他或她是誰? Do you prefer summer or winter? 夏天和冬天,
你更喜歡哪一個? What do you do on the weekend? 你週末喜歡做些什麼呢? What hobbies do you have? 你有什麼愛好? What sports do you like? 你都喜歡哪種體育項目? What is your favourite food? 你最喜歡的食物是什麼? What do you normally have for breakfast? 你早飯平時都吃些什麼? How do you get to work or university? 你平時上班或上學都怎麼走? What do you do on holidays? 你放假都做些什麼? What is your greatest wish? 你最大的願望是什麼? Are you married or single? 你結婚了還是單身? Do you drive or take public transport? 你開車還是做公交? What do you like to do in your spare time? 你平時喜歡做些什麼? What’s your favourite TV show? 你最喜歡的電視劇是什麼? Do you like shopping? Why or why not? 你喜歡購物嗎?為什麼? What subjects did you study in school? 你在學校時都學了哪些科目? Do you prefer trains, trams or buses? 火車,電車和公共汽車,你更喜歡哪一個? Do you often eat fast food? Why or why not? 你經常吃速食嗎?為什麼? What is a major achievement in your life? 你生命中一項重要的成就是什麼? Do you like karaoke? Why or why not? 你喜歡卡拉OK嗎?為什麼? What are the best ways to keep healthy? 保持健康的最好方法是什麼? What is the best way to make new friends? 結交新朋友的最好方法是什麼? What is the best holiday you’ve ever had? 你所度過最愉快的一個假期是哪一個? Do you think you are a “nerd”? 你覺得你是一個“宅男”或“宅女”嗎? What are some of the traditional foods in your home country? 你國家傳統的食物是什麼? Do you have an iPhone? Why or why not? 你有一部iPhone嗎?為什麼? Are you interested in politics? Why or why not? 你對政治感興趣嗎?為什麼? What do you think about this city’s public transport system? 你覺得這個城市的公共交通系統怎麼樣? Are you a fan of anime or other cartoons? 你是日本動漫或其他卡通的粉絲嗎? Are you a night owl or an early bird? 你是個夜貓子,
還是早起者? Do you see your family often? 你經常看望你的家人嗎? Do you like going to pubs and nightclubs? 你喜歡去酒吧和夜總會嗎? Who is your favourite celebrity? 你最喜歡的名人是誰? What are your impressions of this city? 你對這座城市的印象怎麼樣? Is money important? 金錢重要嗎? Do you like reading? What books do you like to read? 你喜歡看書嗎?平時都看些什麼樣的書? What are your future goals? 你未來的目標是什麼? Do you celebrate Christmas? 你過耶誕節嗎? What are some of your bad habits? 你都有哪些壞習慣? What are the personalities of your parents and other family members? 你的父母和其他家人的性格都是什麼樣的? Are you religious? 你信教嗎? How long have you been learning your second language? 你學習第二語言多長時間了? Do you have a good sense of direction? 你的方向感好嗎? How do you spend your money? 你怎樣來支配自己的花銷? Do you like to travel? What places have you been to? 你喜歡旅遊嗎?你都去過哪些地方? What is your favourite item of clothing, and why? 說說你穿過的衣服中,
哪一件你最喜歡?為什麼? Do you like surfing the web? What websites would you recommend? 你喜歡上網嗎?有哪些網站你可以推薦一下? Have you ever been in love? 你曾經戀愛過嗎? What are some of the problems of tourism? 旅遊業帶來的問題是什麼? Do you like to take risks? Why or why not? 你喜歡冒險嗎?為什麼?