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一首伯頓·布萊利關於奮鬥的詩——《成功》 如果你對某種東西極度渴望 加倍努力為此奮鬥 沒日沒夜為此勞碌 放棄娛樂、放棄睡眠、放棄舒適 一切渴望皆系於此 它的存在讓其他一切變得俗豔和廉價 一切渴望皆系於此 它的存在讓其他一切變得俗豔和廉價 沒有它生命對你而言只剩蒼白和空洞 你所有的計畫都為它而設 所有的美夢都為它而做 所有的汗水都為它而流 所有的煩惱都為它而生 為了它,你不再對人類和上帝畏懼 只用盡你的能力、智慧與才華 全身心為此一搏 如果寒冷、貧窮、饑餓與憔悴都不能使你屈服 疾病、疼痛、身體和心靈的雙重折磨亦不能使你放棄 你不屈不撓,
勇往直前 那麼最後的最後,它定是你的囊中之物
Success If you want a thing bad enough To go out and fight for it, Work day and night for it, Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it If only desire of it Makes you quite mad enough Never to tire of it, Makes you hold all other things tawdry and cheap for it If life seems all empty and useless without it And all that you scheme and you dream is about it, If gladly you'll sweat for it, Fret for it, Plan for it, Lose all your terror of God or man for it, If you'll simply go after that thing that you want. With all your capacity, Strength and sagacity, Faith, hope and confidence, stern pertinacity, If neither cold poverty, famished and gaunt, Nor sickness nor pain Of body or brain Can turn you away from the thing that you want, If dogged and grim you besiege and beset it, You'll get it!